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Sehen Sie sich unseren erstklassigen Super-8-Filmtransfer an

Ich, Nathaniel, habe es sehr genossen, diese besondere Sammlung von Mini-Dokumentarfilmen zu übertragen, die die Familie Rene während ihrer internationalen Urlaube gefilmt hat. Diese geschätzten Filme waren sehr gut gelagert, und die Kameraführung war hervorragend.

Clip mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Dr. Robert M. Rene, mit seiner ausdrücklichen schriftlichen Zustimmung -- Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Charlie Chaplin Promoting "THE KID"

While all cherished footage that we have ever transferred is an honor to us, here at FilmFix, this is the most treasured footage we have ever digitized.

It's short but very sweet, and it proves that each second of every reel is being monitored, while we preserve our customers' precious memories.

These brief moments were shot on 8mm film and shows Charlie Chaplin self-promoting the movie "The Kid" -- the one which brought him into the limelight and International fame. The parade took place in Switzerland, circa 1932. We assume it was that year based on the date hand-written on the film canister, even though he released the film in 1921. This must have been how he started to endear himself to the Swiss people, long before he made his final move there to the US.

Apparently, Charlie Chaplin was know to self-promote his movie by "dressing up" in his iconic Tramp outfit then joining parades. Seemingly, the parade had other characters from other motion pictures but nothing that I could definitively recognize.

In this clip, do you notice how Mr. Chaplin is using a whistle in order to draw attention to himself? We think it's a brilliant way to draw eyes toward him!

To explore more about Charlie Chaplin and his Swiss connection, please visit this page.

Use of clip with expressed written consent from Phil Hugly --  filmed by Lina Studer nee Dubois. All Rights Reserved.

Rissiger und verfärbter Super-8 Test-Transfer

Maria war begeistert von dem, was wir auf ihrer kleinen 3-Zoll-Test-Transfer-Rolle erreicht haben. Deshalb erlaubte sie uns, lustige Teile davon auf unserer Website zu verwenden.

Der Super-8-Film war mit winzigen Emulsionsrissen übersät. Ursprünglich sorgte die Vielzahl der Risse für ein sehr hektisches Seherlebnis.

Also haben wir unsere zusätzliche Bildverbesserungsoption der Kornreduktion genutzt, um diese Risse so gut wie möglich zu entfernen. Außerdem haben wir mit unserer sekundären Farbkorrektur einen Teil der Verfärbungen wiederhergestellt. Der Film hatte einen starken Magenta-Farbton angenommen und seine gelbe Farbschicht verloren. Das Ergebnis: Der Film sieht natürlicher aus.

Clip mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Maria Ikenberry, mit ausdrücklicher schriftlicher Zustimmung -- Alle Rechte vorbehalten.


Charlie Chaplin Promoting "THE KID"

While all cherished footage that we have ever transferred is an honor to us, here at FilmFix, this is the most treasured footage we have ever digitized.

It's short but very sweet, and it proves that each second of every reel is being monitored, while we preserve our customers' precious memories.

These brief moments were shot on 8mm film and shows Charlie Chaplin self-promoting the movie "The Kid" -- the one which brought him into the limelight and International fame. The parade took place in Switzerland, circa 1932. We assume it was that year based on the date hand-written on the film canister, even though he released the film in 1921. This must have been how he started to endear himself to the Swiss people, long before he made his final move there to the US.

Apparently, Charlie Chaplin was know to self-promote his movie by "dressing up" in his iconic Tramp outfit then joining parades. Seemingly, the parade had other characters from other motion pictures but nothing that I could definitively recognize.

In this clip, do you notice how Mr. Chaplin is using a whistle in order to draw attention to himself? We think it's a brilliant way to draw eyes toward him!

To explore more about Charlie Chaplin and his Swiss connection, please visit this page.

Use of clip with expressed written consent from Phil Hugly --  filmed by Lina Studer nee Dubois. All Rights Reserved.


Sehen Sie Mutter Natur, strahlend hell, in diesem feinen Filmmaterial!

Die Kameraarbeit dieser beiden Clips war einzigartig.

Vielen Dank, Mr. Commons, dass wir diese als Beispieltransfer auf unserer Website verwenden dürfen.

Clip mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Mr. Spencer Commons, mit ausdrücklicher schriftlicher Zustimmung -- Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Charlie Chaplin Promoting "THE KID"

While all cherished footage that we have ever transferred is an honor to us, here at FilmFix, this is the most treasured footage we have ever digitized.

It's short but very sweet, and it proves that each second of every reel is being monitored, while we preserve our customers' precious memories.

These brief moments were shot on 8mm film and shows Charlie Chaplin self-promoting the movie "The Kid" -- the one which brought him into the limelight and International fame. The parade took place in Switzerland, circa 1932. We assume it was that year based on the date hand-written on the film canister, even though he released the film in 1921. This must have been how he started to endear himself to the Swiss people, long before he made his final move there to the US.

Apparently, Charlie Chaplin was know to self-promote his movie by "dressing up" in his iconic Tramp outfit then joining parades. Seemingly, the parade had other characters from other motion pictures but nothing that I could definitively recognize.

In this clip, do you notice how Mr. Chaplin is using a whistle in order to draw attention to himself? We think it's a brilliant way to draw eyes toward him!

To explore more about Charlie Chaplin and his Swiss connection, please visit this page.

Use of clip with expressed written consent from Phil Hugly --  filmed by Lina Studer nee Dubois. All Rights Reserved.

Kinder zur Rettung (Film von 1938)

Klassisches Ganzmetall-Feuerwehrauto, in hoher Verfolgung - sogar inmitten von Schneeflocken!

Hier ist ein 8 Jahrzehnte alter 8-mm-Schwarz-Weiß-Film mit all seinem Charme ... und noch einiges mehr.

Wir verwenden diesen Clip mit ausdrücklicher schriftlicher Genehmigung von Phil Hugly -- gefilmt von Lina Studer geb. Dubois. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Charlie Chaplin Promoting "THE KID"

While all cherished footage that we have ever transferred is an honor to us, here at FilmFix, this is the most treasured footage we have ever digitized.

It's short but very sweet, and it proves that each second of every reel is being monitored, while we preserve our customers' precious memories.

These brief moments were shot on 8mm film and shows Charlie Chaplin self-promoting the movie "The Kid" -- the one which brought him into the limelight and International fame. The parade took place in Switzerland, circa 1932. We assume it was that year based on the date hand-written on the film canister, even though he released the film in 1921. This must have been how he started to endear himself to the Swiss people, long before he made his final move there to the US.

Apparently, Charlie Chaplin was know to self-promote his movie by "dressing up" in his iconic Tramp outfit then joining parades. Seemingly, the parade had other characters from other motion pictures but nothing that I could definitively recognize.

In this clip, do you notice how Mr. Chaplin is using a whistle in order to draw attention to himself? We think it's a brilliant way to draw eyes toward him!

To explore more about Charlie Chaplin and his Swiss connection, please visit this page.

Use of clip with expressed written consent from Phil Hugly --  filmed by Lina Studer nee Dubois. All Rights Reserved.


Freeport Stadium Mai 1958 siegreicher Fahrer des Wagens 269 George Peters.

Clip mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Richard Girards, mit ausdrücklicher schriftlicher Zustimmung -- Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Charlie Chaplin Promoting "THE KID"

While all cherished footage that we have ever transferred is an honor to us, here at FilmFix, this is the most treasured footage we have ever digitized.

It's short but very sweet, and it proves that each second of every reel is being monitored, while we preserve our customers' precious memories.

These brief moments were shot on 8mm film and shows Charlie Chaplin self-promoting the movie "The Kid" -- the one which brought him into the limelight and International fame. The parade took place in Switzerland, circa 1932. We assume it was that year based on the date hand-written on the film canister, even though he released the film in 1921. This must have been how he started to endear himself to the Swiss people, long before he made his final move there to the US.

Apparently, Charlie Chaplin was know to self-promote his movie by "dressing up" in his iconic Tramp outfit then joining parades. Seemingly, the parade had other characters from other motion pictures but nothing that I could definitively recognize.

In this clip, do you notice how Mr. Chaplin is using a whistle in order to draw attention to himself? We think it's a brilliant way to draw eyes toward him!

To explore more about Charlie Chaplin and his Swiss connection, please visit this page.

Use of clip with expressed written consent from Phil Hugly --  filmed by Lina Studer nee Dubois. All Rights Reserved.

Charlie Chaplin wirbt für "THE KID"

Für uns ist jedes geschätzte Filmmaterial, das wir jemals übertragen haben, eine Ehre, aber hier bei FilmFix ist dies das absolutes wertvollste Filmmaterial, das wir jemals digitalisiert haben!

Es ist kurz, aber sehr schön und es beweist, dass jede Sekunde jeder Filmrolle verfolgt wird, während wir die wertvollen Erinnerungen unserer Kunden festhalten.

Diese kurzen Momente wurden auf 8-mm-Film gedreht und zeigen Charlie Chaplin bei der Selbstvermarktung des Films "The Kid" - dem Film, der ihn ins Rampenlicht und zu internationalem Ruhm brachte. Die Parade fand in der Schweiz statt, etwa 1932. Wir gehen davon aus, dass es dieses Jahr war, da das Datum auf der Filmdose handschriftlich vermerkt wurde, obwohl er den Film bereits 1921 offiziell veröffentlicht wurde. Auf diese Weise muss er sich bei den Schweizern beliebt gemacht haben, lange bevor er seinen letzten Umzug dorthin vollzog.

Offenbar war Charlie Chaplin bekannt dafür, seinen Film selbst zu bewerben, indem er sich in seinem ikonischen Tramp-Kostüm "verkleidete" und an Paraden teilnahm. Anscheinend gab es bei der Parade auch andere Figuren aus anderen Filmen, aber nichts, was ich eindeutig erkennen konnte.

Ist Ihnen in diesem Clip aufgefallen, wie Mr. Chaplin eine Pfeife benutzt, um auf sich selbst hinzuweisen? Wir sind der Meinung, dass dies eine brillante Methode ist, um die Blicke auf sich zu ziehen!

Um mehr über Charlie Chaplin und seine Verbindung zur Schweiz zu lernen, besuchen Sie bitte diese Seite.

Verwendung des Clips mit ausdrücklicher schriftlicher Genehmigung von Phil Hugly -- gefilmt von Lina Studer geb. Dubois. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Charlie Chaplin Promoting "THE KID"

While all cherished footage that we have ever transferred is an honor to us, here at FilmFix, this is the most treasured footage we have ever digitized.

It's short but very sweet, and it proves that each second of every reel is being monitored, while we preserve our customers' precious memories.

These brief moments were shot on 8mm film and shows Charlie Chaplin self-promoting the movie "The Kid" -- the one which brought him into the limelight and International fame. The parade took place in Switzerland, circa 1932. We assume it was that year based on the date hand-written on the film canister, even though he released the film in 1921. This must have been how he started to endear himself to the Swiss people, long before he made his final move there to the US.

Apparently, Charlie Chaplin was know to self-promote his movie by "dressing up" in his iconic Tramp outfit then joining parades. Seemingly, the parade had other characters from other motion pictures but nothing that I could definitively recognize.

In this clip, do you notice how Mr. Chaplin is using a whistle in order to draw attention to himself? We think it's a brilliant way to draw eyes toward him!

To explore more about Charlie Chaplin and his Swiss connection, please visit this page.

Use of clip with expressed written consent from Phil Hugly --  filmed by Lina Studer nee Dubois. All Rights Reserved.

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